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从手稿到成衣|银河系脑洞核聚变:Joseph Standish的旧物回收之单宁大改造
Joseph Standish has graduated from London College of Fashion with an  BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Development in Fashion Design Menswear. For his menswear collection, designer Joseph Standish "turned drawings into sculptures" using materials such as recycled denim and jersey that had been covered in illustrations.

BA (Hons) Fashion Design and Development student Joseph Standish created a collection as a response to high-end fashion not being relatable to normal people. Originally from Wolverhampton, Joseph grew up following Japanese cartoons but was surrounded by Midlands men who he said, ‘have had the same denim jackets for nearly five decades.’ Find out more about his collection and what inspires him here.

Joseph Standish将一系列人物速写化为设计并搬至现实T台之上。窗户清理工、旅行者、当地穿着有洞牛仔的年轻人等等,都在此系列中。此前G-star的工作影响了他对于丹宁的强烈热爱。


“我认为高端时尚是很深奥的、难以与人有关的一件事情,我想把更广泛的美的形象在行业标准模型中推广,” Joseph Standish在LCF的博客上说。“服装最终的结果是3D雕塑,但在我看来3D只是碰巧是可穿戴的。我想把自己收集来的材料制作成时尚的服装。”