◆Keep decoration to a minimum unless itcontributes to the content. You want the person who looks at your portfolio tosee all of your work, not just your portfolio.
◆Try to show your strengths. If there’ssomething you struggle with, downplay it as much as possible. You want to showwhat you’re capable of.
◆Make sure you know what the requirementsare. For example, if a school wants you to only provide finished pieces, thendon’t include developmental work. Or they might have a school-specific workthat they want you to submit with your portfolio.
◆Know your deadlines. Your portfolio maylook fabulous, but it’s useless to you if it’s late.Make a digital version of your portfolio.You can just scan your physical portfolio. However, for supplemental pages likeyour inspirations and investigations, you may want to create new collages usinga photo-editing program. You want the end result to look as professional andneat as possible.
◆Be open to constructive criticism andfeedback. It’s a good idea to consult with someone else during the beginningstages and to show them the completed product. If they have critiques, takethese seriously into consideration, because whoever reviews your portfolio willprobably be even more critical.